Sunday, June 12, 2011

Perth. Where we forgot to take photos....

With our battered Rav and having had a couple of frosty nights we limped into Perth where we stayed with Alex and Victoria.

It was really good to see Alex who I hadn't seen since 2003 at her 21st birthday party. We went out and celebrated with a few too many drinks.

The next day we did some sight seeing and ate our way through the day.

After a huge serve of fish and chips Peta could still fit in an enormous chocolate filled donut.

We also visited Corina and Jawid, Sue and Ken, Sue and Colin and Layman. Luckily for me we had timed our visit perfectly as the Reds just happened to be playing the Force in Perth. Although no photos to prove it we saw the Reds win in a thrilling finish.

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