Thursday, May 5, 2011

Alice Springs

First stop, the 25m high statues in Aileron (!?) and a quick look in their Art Centre. Not that we are looking for more indigenous art to add to our collection, but it's nice to look.

Craig (Doig) took us up Mt Gillen for a look at sunset. We were a bit short on time so Doigy had us running up the mountain. It was quite the exhausting afternoon!

Peta, posing, at the top of Mt Gillen.

Harrah! We conquered the mountain!

Lachy hasn't quite mastered the sunset lighting just yet, but looking dedicated in pursuit of the perfect shot.


  1. Love these photos all there. Only complaint about the blog is it goes backwards. We have to start at the bottom and read up. I look forward to improvements next time.

  2. Its great to be able to see the photos not just funny red crosses. clever Lachie


Go on, have your piece...