Monday, May 30, 2011

Heading South on the Coral Coast

Leaving Exmouth we headed into Coral Bay. This little town sits right on the coast and has even more beautiful blue seas and an opportunity for Lachlan to use his newly acquired spear gun. Armed with many brochures about idisustainable fishing, size limits, a measuring ruler, and multiple identification books we headed to the areas permitting spear guns.

It became clear why this area was open to fishing as despite abundant large fish in the marine park area, there was a profound lack of appropriate size fish waiting to be speared here.

There was some big fish we did not want to catch.

Despite valiant diving attempts there was no fish today.

Our roadside stop turned on a toasty fire and delicious baked bean jaffles.

And provided a lovely sunset view.

The next morning brought our first rain of the trip! Lachlan had to move his (smelly) runners off the roof and into the car.

Around Carnarvon Lachy was rather chuffed to see a McKenna Street.

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